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the language of freedom tech⚓︎

nostr npub

Tech has an evolving cyberspace lexicon based on innovation mixed with culture.


Nostr is NOT just one app.

A nostr client is an app or website created with nostr code that finds and posts nostr content unto relay servers. Since it is open code, any developer can build their own version of a nostr client running on the nostr protocol.


Not your keys, not your social media.

nostr npub

To join nostr, you don't need to give up your email or phone number. Instead, the first time you sign up to most nostr clients, you get a special set of keys. These are two long strings of letters and numbers unique to you. You can use them to enter most of the nostrverse. They also keep a path to your notes, follows, and followers.

They belong only to you.

You get a public key and a secret key. Share your public key, keep your secret key backed up and safe.

- npub (public key)⚓︎

nostr npub

Your public key takes the place of your handle. It is unique to you. You can also have a handle with any name you want, and you can change it anytime you want. You don't need to add any numbers or strange spellings, because what needs to be unique is your npub.

npub + LongStringOfNumbersAndLettersUniqueToYou

Share your public key with your friends, so they can find you or mention you. You can copy it from your profile (often found by a key or QR code icon).

If you spot a QR icon in your nostr client, others can scan it and their nostr app should open to your profile page, as long as their app has that functionality. Some nostr clients let you share other people's npub QR's too.

Someone else could try to impersonate you, use the same name, profile pic, and description, but they cannot have the same npub.

- nsec (secret or private key)⚓︎

nostr npub

You are the sole keeper of your secret key. It is a special kind of "password" you can use to sign in to nostr clients, to create notes...

nsec + LongStringOfNumbersAndLettersUniqueToYou

It belongs only to you, not to a company. If you are used to the ways of platforms like Twitter and Facebook, you may think someone can help you recover it, but you won't find a "forgot your password?" option.

Nostr is different, you're the one in control. When someone owns your account, they know your password and can help you recover it. One of the tradeoffs is that they can also close down your account, rate limit it, shadow ban it... On nostr you own your keys and should keep your nsec safe.

TIP: Save your nsec in a password manager (for example Bitwarden). Write down a copy somewhere safe. Some nostr clients keep your secret key hidden in the Settings. Make sure you copy it and save it in your password manager before logging out. In the future, we may see options to save an encrypted copy in the cloud, perhaps some options already exist. Do not share it.

If you are logging in through a website (not an app), save your nostr nsec in a special browser extension first. Browsers, by nature, are not as safe, your secret key could get stolen. You may see this option to log in labelled as "login with extension or NIP-07"


The nostrich, in its various styles, has become the nostr mascot.

The idea was born on December 16th, 2022.


@ dave can you write a joke about #nostr?


dave (gpt3):

Q: What do you call a nosy ostrich?

A: A nosTrich!


nostr npub

Then, on Dec 20th, 2022, Will (jb55) posted the image above with the legend:

"I propose the nostrich to be the official nostr mascot and logo."


NIPs - Nostr Implementation Possibilities⚓︎

Similar in name to BIPs (Bitcoin Improvement Proposals), Nostr Implementation Possibilities are a growing list of possible protocol implementations that developers can add to their clients. Outside of NIP01, all NIPs are optional. Their code emphasizes simplicity and interoperability.


Instead of tweets or posts, nostr has notes. Feel free to write notes away.