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a content creator economy zaps

Get your NIP57 zappers ready⚓︎

Stars-Wars style lightning zaps without needing to defend yourself from anyone. Instead zapping allows you to support what you believe in.

Your target is content that rings true to you somehow. The result: Motivation, encouragement and the rise of a value4value culture.

It isn't the rise of the empire, but the Rise of the Empowered.

What do you value?


"Fix the money, fix the world"

The advent of bitcoin has opened possibilities for "fixing" various flaws in the current financial systems, but our relationship with money should change as we learn to embrace a sustainable foundation.

Failing to change our thoughts and actions toward money can generate similar pitfalls and a reliance on carbon-copy uses built on top of bitcoin. This can lead to masking and removing access to bitcoin's freedom and empowerment.

Unnoticed, money connects us across the globe, much deeper than an electrical grid. It touches every aspect of our lives, from the material like purchasing a house, to the invisible like the memories that help in making that house a home.

When we stare at money's face, we may see a reflection of every emotion we have tied to experiences across our lifetimes: hope, fear, dreams, barriers, challenges, empathy, support, love.

We live in a world of contrasts. Money can be a foundation to gratitude or envy. It can help build a stronger future for coming generations or focus only on surface rewards now, disregarding future consequences. It can be a fair or an unjust measure of our time. It can plant and harvest what we value, be it meaning or wastefulness.

Unbeknownst to most of us, many of the negative emotions and real life consequences we tie to money, are not just based on our life experiences but on how money's been built and managed.

Sadly, money often feels distant, cold, and, if allowed, it can grow fear, greed, ego, envy, anger, competition, and popularity in their most negative connotations. It is as if the human heart could be disconnected from anything money touches, turning it into dissonance, anxiety, and heartache.

How we relate to money is often a reflection and a reaction to our world. As we dive deeper into the rabbit hole, we can choose to carve our own path.

What do we want to see reflected in the mirror of our lives?