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A beginning...

If you are reading this and don't know how to use a terminal, it can seem daunting, but it's like going into a digital library catalog and looking up information. You learn or look up what to type in order to look it up. Many tutorials exist online, so I won't go into this process deeply. I may add more in the future.

Most of the time, it's only a copy and paste process from installation docs from the projects that interest you, but, if you run into issues, it helps to know what you are typing.

You can often locate it by searching "Terminal" and clicking on it.

Don't get lost⚓︎

It will open up an almost empty screen but for your home directory (user name followed by your computer's name). The location will change based on what you are doing, so keep an eye on where you are, so you can install items in the proper place.

yourusername@yourcomputer ~ %

Error messages are help messages⚓︎

It's also not without help. The terminal guides you based on what you're doing wrong. If you're doing something right, it might not say anything at all.

For errors, it often suggests how to fix them. Some errors sound scarier than they are, sometimes they are sucess messages, so read carefully.


It does not understand typos. It is as if you were trying to speak a different language and the terminal did not understand you. It asks you to speak again, without the typos.

Invisible passwords⚓︎

It's a good idea to paste your password when requested, instead of typing it in, because the terminal will not show you the passwords as you type.

password manager⚓︎

Instead of making the early mistake of using an easy password, try a password manager.

Did you hit enter?⚓︎

Always hit enter after you type or paste a command or password.

If you're feeling stuck⚓︎

Sometimes you get to a point where you do not know how to go back or how to close a project down in order to restart.

The commands vary based on what you are doing.

To close windows that have opened, try: Ctrl + C

It can also be useful to stop a process that's running on your screen.

To go back to higher folders in the directory:

cd ..

To exit, just exit
