Customizing Ditto⚓︎
It feels good to visit your domain and see the start of a community. Now it's time to personalize it.
Add profiles⚓︎
Ditto docs: 4. Sync your existing data
move to the ditto directory, if not there already
Add your npub and one of your public relays (no paid ones are accepted yet)
ask nostr:pull deno run -A scripts/nostr-pull.ts "npub..." "wss://relay..."
Running migrations...
Everything up-to-date.
Imported user you.
Become an admin⚓︎
Task admin:role deno run -A scripts/admin-role.ts "npub..." "admin"
Running migrations...
Everything up-to-date.
If you are already logged in to your Ditto community, you should see a label next to your profile that says "admin", and you should have access to the Dashboard.
Add relays⚓︎
Within the dashboard, for you to be able to save information, you need to add relays, 3 public ones at the most or you might overwhelm your server.
Adding wss:// is unlikely to cause an issue, so you can add it too. It only keeps account profiles.
Adding profiles⚓︎
Your community members will not be able to see most profiles unless you add them to your server.
Ditto may wipe profiles of new members as they sign in, if you don't have them in the server already.
For now, the process of adding profiles is manual from your terminal. A good way to start is adding the people you follow. Then individually adding profiles as they ask to sign up.
For profiles only, I've used the relay.
It's important that the two hyphens before profile do not turn into a dash or the code will not runSeparate for easy copying and pasting: